
Icsi has over 80 members drawn from at-risk industries, trade unions, research centers, universities, specialized institutes, and associations.

The Institute provides its members with a neutral, independent space to talk openly, with the aim of building upon best practices and developing innovative, operational solutions.

Our members: an active community Our members: an active community



| Industries and industrial federations |


  • Adif – Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (Spain)
  • Airbus
  • Air France
  • Air Liquide
  • Alstom
  • Altrad Prezioso Linjebygg
  • Aubert & Duval
  • BASF
  • Béton Vicat
  • Bouygues Construction
  • CHR Hansen France
  • Crealis
  • Cristal Union
  • EDF
  • Engie
  • European Union Agency for Railways (ERA)
  • Exxonmobil Notre-Dame de Gravenchon
  • France Chimie
  • France Gaz
  • GRDF
  • Groupe Servier
  • GRTgaz
  • John Deere (Argentina)
  • Manitou
  • Mutual de Seguridad CCHC (Chile)
  • Naval Group
  • North Oil Company (Quatar)
  • Novéal
  • Novo Nordisk Production
  • Onet Technologies
  • OPPBTP - French professional body for Construction and Civil Engineering Accident Prevention
  • Orano
  • Pan American Energy (Argentina)
  • Ponticelli Frères
  • RATP
  • RTE
  • Safran
  • Sanofi
  • Schneider Electric
  • SNCF – the French national railway company
  • Sogestran group
  • Spie
  • Suez
  • Sulo
  • Syctom
  • Tecpetrol (Argentina)
  • Terega
  • Ternium
  • Termap - Terminales marítimas patagónicas (Argentina)
  • TotalEnergies
  • Transportes Jose Beraldi (Argentina)
  • UCB
  • Ufip Energies et Mobilités – the French oil industry association
  • Valeo
  • Vinci
  • Vivescia
  • YPF - Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (Argentina)



| Universities, specialised institutes and research centres |


  • CEA - The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
  • CNRS – The French national centre for scientific research
  • San Andrés university foundation (Argentina)
  • Ineris – The French national institute for industrial envionment and risks
  • Irba - The French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute
  • INPT – The national polytchnic institute of Toulouse
  • IMdR – Institute for risk management
  • Insa – the Toulouse national institute of applied sciences
  • IRSN – the French institute for radiological and nuclear safety
  • Toulouse 1 Capitole university
  • COPPE – Rio de Janeiro university (Brasil)



| Regional authorities and associated bodies |


  • AITF – the association of territorial engineers of France
  • Amaris – the French national association of municipalities for the management of major technological risks
  • JST – Junta de Seguridad en el Transporte (Argentina)
  • Occitanie Region
  • Rouen Métropole
  • Irma – the major risks institute
  • Réseau Idéal – an information network covering development, the environment and local planning
  • SNDG – the French national association of managing directors of local authorities
  • SPPPI Paca



| Trade union organisations and associations |


  • Afinege
  • CFDT – French trade union
  • CFE-CGC – French trade union
  • CGT – French trade union
  • Colegio Medical Rosario – Argentine trade union (Argentina)
  • FAAAAR (Argentina)
  • FO – French trade union
  • The Fraternidad – Argentine trade union (Argentina)
  • Amicsi – the association of ICSI alumni
  • Fenvac – the French national federation for the victims of catastrophes



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