Legal notice – Terms and Conditions of use of this website

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions of Use (‘TOU’) is to state the terms and conditions, and limits of access and use of the websites and (the ‘Websites’) by any user (the ‘User(s)’).
The present TOU can be consulted at any time via a dedicated tab on our Websites. Any access and use of our Websites by the User implies unreserved acceptance of the present TOU.
The ICSI reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the present TOU, in particular to adapt to changes in our Websites and/or any applicable regulations. The User is invited to refer to the latest applicable version of these TOU when accessing and browsing our Websites.
| 1. Legal notice |
This Website is the property of the ICSI, whose contact details are given below, in accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 regarding confidence in the digital economy:
- Websites: and
- Social structure: Non-profit association, declared under number D00310052478 to the Prefecture of Haute-Garonne. The notice of its creation was published in the Journal Officiel de la République Française (the official gazette of the French Republic) on 28 June, 2003 under the number 2003006.
- SIRENE / SIRET: 449 409 218 00020
- VAT number: FR28 449409218
- Head office: 6 Allée Emile Monso - BP 34038 - Zac du Palays - 31029 TOULOUSE Cedex 4 (FRANCE)
- Phone number: +33 5 32 09 37 70
- Email address:
- Director of publication: Mr Ivan BOISSIERES
- Hosting company: WS interactive – 15, quai Lucien Lombard – 31000 Toulouse
If the User has any questions or requests for information regarding this Website, the User may contact the ICSI by email or post via the contact information provided above.
| 2. Access and navigation |
The ICSI uses all of the technical solutions at its disposal to allow permanent access to, and optimal navigation of its Websites, without, however, being bound by any obligation in this respect.
In particular, the User is informed that access and/or browsing of our Websites may be suspended, limited and/or interrupted, without the ICSI incurring any liability:
- in the event of corrective or preventive maintenance, updates, or modification to content that is necessary for the correct operation of our Websites;
- in the event of malfunctions and/or anomalies attributable to the internet infrastructure, the connection and/or the computer equipment used by the User and under his or her control;
- in the event of a fraudulent intrusion by any third party and/ or any virus in the networks, connections and computer equipment used by the User and under his or her control;
- due to force majeure, or any other event that is beyond the control of the ICSI;
- for any other reason and/or action deemed useful and necessary by the ICSI for the proper functioning of the Websites.
The User must, under all circumstances, ensure the regular maintenance and updating of any computer equipment, operating systems, anti-virus software and browsers used to access and browse the Websites.
| 3. Protection of the website - intellectual property |
The information, photographs, illustrations and other material present on the Websites concerning the activities of the ICSI and/or news are provided to the User for information purposes, and do not replace or substitute for the personalized advice and information that may be given to the User by contacting ICSI directly, using the above-mentioned contact details.
Any hypertext links to other websites or webpages have been subject to prior authorization from their owners. These links are provided for the User’s convenience and information, the ICSI exercises no control over these sites or webpages, which remain under the responsibility of their owners.
It is the User’s responsibility to read the terms and conditions of use of each website to which he or she has been redirected, before continuing to browse.
The general structure of the Websites, text, data, photographs, images, illustrations, logos, videos, animated or non-animated graphical elements and, more generally, all the elements that make up and/or are contained in the Websites constitute creations and works that are the exclusive property of the ICSI (excluding elements belonging to third parties), and are protected or protectable within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code and international conventions relating to intellectual property.
The Websites, including all of their constitutive elements, protected or protectable within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code and international conventions relating to intellectual property, may not be reproduced, modified, altered, presented, distributed and/or used for any purpose and in any context whatsoever, except with the prior written consent of the ICSI.
The reproduction of a page from the Websites, or any other element composing these Websites, in a context that is not owned by/or does not concern the ICSI, together with the insertion of a page from the Websites, or of any other element composing them, or of a hypertext link to the Websites, in or from the page of a third-party site is strictly prohibited, except with the ICSI’s prior written consent.
| 4. Responsibilities |
In its capacity as publisher of the Websites, the ICSI’s liability is strictly limited to the content it has itself published. In particular, liability cannot be sought, at any time and on any legal basis whatsoever, in the event of:
- the suspension, limitation and/or interruption of access and navigation to the Websites for the cases indicated in point 2 above;
- use of the Websites in a way that is abnormal, illicit and/or contrary to the present TOU;
- the breach by the User of any of the clauses of the present TOU;
- force majeure or any other event that is beyond the control of the ICSI.
When accessing and browsing the Websites, the User undertakes to fully comply with the present TOU. In particular, the User will expressly refrain from any action that seeks to:
- reproduce, modify, alter and/or use, for any purpose and in any context whatsoever, the logos, photographs, images, names, trademarks and all other elements relating to the activity of the ICSI and, more generally, infringe upon the ICSI’s intellectual property rights;
- exchange, disseminate, publish, in any way whatsoever, illicit, offensive, defamatory, distorted, insulting and/or prejudicial content to the ICSI, the Websites and/or any other third party.
| 5. Privacy Policy - Cookies |
The ICSI has established a Privacy Policy relating to the respect of the privacy and personal data of the User. This can be accessed from the dedicated tab on the Websites.
| 6. Applicable law - Disputes |
The present TOU are governed by the provisions of French law, to the exclusion of any other foreign legislation and/or regulations, regardless of the country in which the User is established, and/or from which the Website is accessed.
Any dispute (contractual, extra-contractual, tort) relating to the present TOU will, in the absence of an amicable settlement, be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court under French civil law.