Preventing serious, fatal and major technological accidents

The incident rate is losing its relevance. The data show that lives continue to be lost to serious and major technological accidents, and we need to do things differently. It is clearly time to reorient safety policies. Preventing serious, fatal and major technological accidents must become the top priority.

Preventing serious, fatal and major technological accidents Preventing serious, fatal and major technological accidents


| Why is preventing serious, fatal and major technological accidents important? |

Although reducing the rate of occupational accidents is a legitimate objective, it does not, in any way, ensure that the most serious accidents will be prevented. It has become clear that we must refocus our efforts on the prevention of serious, fatal and major technological accidents.

How can we do this?

  • Through shared awareness of the most important risks.
  • By focusing on the detection and processing of potentially very serious events.
  • By rethinking the defense-in-depth system.

A climate of trust, dedicated indicators, rules that save lives; these are some of the keys to success. Others are open dialogue, and discussions about safety priorities in the field.


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An A3 poster that can be displayed in an office. See, at a glance, the basics of the prevention of serious, fatal and major technological accidents.



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