Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system

Human and organizational factors
François Daniellou - Foncsi
Industrial safety reports

The safe and efficient operation of a new industrial facility relies on the integration of human and organizational factors (HOF) into its design, beginning in the initial stages of the project.

One of the objectives of this book, published by Foncsi, is to help practitioners to anticipate all of the factors that might come into play during the operation of the new facility, both in normal and degraded situations. It is based on an in-depth analysis of human activity in existing situations, and a simulation of probable activity during future operations.

| Table of contents |

The structuring of the project: a prerequisite for integrating HOF

  • The establishment of project management and the project objectives
  • Coordination between the project owner and the project contractors
  • The expected benefits and the conditions  for the success of the HOF approach

The HOF approach

  • From current activity to future activity:  the HOF stages in design
  • The methods of an HOF intervention  in a project
  • Training

The construction project and start-up

  • The preparation and the execution  of the construction project
  • Start-up, the evaluation of the project  and the transition to ordinary operations


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Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system Taking account of human and organisational factors in planning and designing a high risk system