The investigation process following major technological accidents
Risk analysis
Feedback from experience
Industrial risks and the regions
Discussion Group ‘The investigation process following major technological accidents
Industrial safety reports
Any major technological accident that occurs in France is the subject of multiple safety investigations. This report suggests improvements to the way in which each of these investigations is organized, how they can work together, and how they relate to the judicial investigation.
This report is the result of discussions among around 20 experts (industrialists, union leaders, etc.), from multiple sectors (air and rail transport, energy, chemicals, petrochemicals, gas, etc.). The group worked together for 2 years, and the outcome of their discussions led to the preparation of this document.
| Contents |
- State-of-the-art: benchmarks and examples from France, and internationally
- Links with the judicial system
- Ways forward:
- Support the initial collection of shared information, and its coordination
- Adopt a European framework as a basis for the investigation
- Create an Accident Investigation Bureau
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