Safety at work must be consistent with safety at home

Safety culture
Philippe Balzer
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This somewhat controversial piece is based on the observation that employees who adopt safe behaviors at work do not always do the same at home. Yet many people believe that good work practices extend into life at home—and are an indicator that safety culture is deeply rooted.

At the same time, high-risk industries expose their employees to various hazards: chemical products, electricity, falling from heights, etc. Isn’t it the case, therefore, that employees have the right to expose themselves, or not, to whatever hazards they choose when at home?

In his Thoughts on Safety Culture, Philippe Balzer launches the debate. Far from answering the question, he gives us some food for thought: everyone must make up their own mind. One thing is certain: the answer is far from clear!

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Safety at work must be consistent with safety at home Safety at work must be consistent with safety at home