Risk management and Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis. It has generated huge upheaval in companies and stimulated new thinking about what safety means. Icsi has a key role to play in this very unusual context and, in response, we are launching several initiatives. The first is a discussion group focused on the topic of the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on safety culture and the management of major risks. We are also drawing up a benchmark of practices, collecting the views of experts, and thinking about what the future might look like.

Risk management and Covid-19 Risk management and Covid-19



| What does risk management have to do with the health crisis? |

In at-risk industries, safety management is being disrupted by the pandemic. The dominance of health concerns is changing the balance between production, profitability, industrial safety, occupational safety, occupational health, and the environment. In the field, the requirement to manage the pandemic is limiting the availability of labor, and making it difficult to work on-site. It is leading to the wide-scale adoption of remote working and social distancing, due to the need to protect individuals working in teams. All of this has transformed and complicated the implementation of day-to-day safety practices.

And new issues continue to emerge. What is a resilient organization? How can we prepare for an unprecedented level of uncertainty and unexpected events? How can we manage safety in this context?


The Icsi roadmap

In this context, Icsi will be focusing on the theme of ‘Risk management and Covid 19’ over the coming months.

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We’re launching a new working group!

Changing risk models, organizational resilience, safety leadership in an uncertain world... these are just some of the important issues raised by the Covid-19 pandemic, along with their impacts on risk management.

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