Risk Communication for the Future - Towards Smart Risk Governance and Safety Management
Industrial risks and the regions
Foncsi - Mathilde Bourrier, Corinne Bieder
SpringerBriefs in Safety Management
The classical approach to risk communication has seen some glaring failures in the management of events related to safety.
This book, published in English by Springer, contains scientific articles written by 15 internationally renowned experts. The aim is to bridge the gap between risk communication and safety practices. It opens up a more societal perspective on risk communication, leading to intelligent risk governance, and better safety management.
| Contents |
- Risk Communication 101: A Few Benchmarks, de Mathilde Bourrier
- Public Participation in the Debate on Industrial Risk in France: A Success Story?, de Caroline Kamaté
- Organizing Risk Communication for Effective Preparedness: Using Plans as a Catalyst for Risk Communication, de Amandine Berger-Sabbatel et Benoit Journé
- Nuclear Crisis Preparedness Lessons Learned from Fukushima Daiichi, de Geneviève Baumont
- Risk Communication Between Companies and Local Stakeholders for Improving Accident Prevention and Emergency Response, de Michael Baram et Preben Hempel Lindøe
- How Risk Communication Can Contribute to Sharing Accurate Health Information for Individual Decision-Making, de Mariko Nishizawa
- Crisis Communication During the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: The Paradoxes of Decontextualized Contextualization, de Loïs Bastide
- Transparency in Health Care: Disclosing Adverse Events to the Public, de Siri Wiig, Karina Aase, Mathilde Bourrier et Olav Røise
- How Safety Communication Can Support Safety Management: The Case of Commercial Aviation, de Michel Guérard
- Risk Communication from an Audit Team to Its Client, de Petra Haferkorn
- Societal Risk Communication—Towards Smart Risk Governance and Safety Management, de Corinne Bieder
Publication en open access.