Icsi, a team on a human scale

| Small team, big projects! |
Icsi’s strength lies in its dynamic and curious team. A friendly bunch, who love to talk about their work, we have very different backgrounds – not to mention personalities, which makes for a lively working environment! Kindness, independence, sharing... working at Icsi means being part of a team.
Executive management
| His philosophy |
Safety is a powerful driver that can improve the overall performance of an organization.
Ivan Boissières
Director General
Ivan Boissières holds a PhD in the sociology of organizations, and is an affiliate professor at the ESCP Business School. He is also the Managing Director of the Institute. Ivan is committed to making the Icsi a platform that creates links between members with very different backgrounds and realities. Everyone is invited to contribute to building the edifice of a better safety culture. Convinced that the diversity of points of view of its members is an asset, Ivan sees Icsi as a think tank, an ideas’ laboratory that is enriched by real-life experience, and the work of its discussion groups and the Foncsi. This approach creates a source of innovation that is expected to enrich experiments in the field, and build the safety of the future.
Development: the team bring the community together and lead the development of new projects that draw upon Icsi’s know-how and methods
| His philosophy |
A safety culture must bring everyone onboard.
Christian Michel
Deputy Director General, Development
Christian Michel joined Icsi in 2023, on secondment from TotalEnergies as Deputy Director General. His career has encompassed the chlorochemical and petrochemical industries, and the polymer and refining sectors. His extensive operational experience in maintenance, production, logistics, and procurement has given him a detailed knowledge of what happens in the field, its inner workings and its various professions. You could say he’s a hands-on action man! What drives him? Analyzing, understanding, and observing what happens in the field, and identifying the levers that need to be pulled to get things moving! Because he sees change not only as part and parcel of life in general, but also corporate life. At home and at work, he loves technology (mechanics, home automation). At Icsi, he is responsible for development and leading the Institute’s diverse and committed community of members!
| His philosophy |
A company is constantly changing, and so is its safety culture! Any improvements must be maintained over the long term, never losing the momentum.
Camille Brunel
After 8 years in the field with our members, Camille Brunel is now putting his legendary enthusiasm to work for the Know-How & Methods team. With a master’s degree in Technological and Environmental Risk Management from Icsi (some would say that he was trained at the best school), what he enjoys most about his job is how multifaceted it is: field observations, running a training course, designing a leadership program, helping a company to implement a just culture... It’s a busy schedule, but he never forgets Icsi’s hallmark: all solutions are co-constructed with the association’s members!
| His philosophy |
Safety has a cost, but a lack of safety is far more expensive!
Marc Sénant
Know-How and Methods Manager
Marc Sénant is Icsi’s new head of know-how and methods. What motivates him? Bringing the community to life, and pulling different actors together to focus on a company’s project. Mission accomplished – as he leads the ‘alert processes and crisis management’ discussion group and, more globally, his work on the theme of ‘risks and the local area’, where he collaborates with local authorities. Dedicated – some would even say passionate – he is committed to Icsi’s overall vocation of spreading the word about safety culture. Not forgetting the prevention of major industrial accidents, which is his, and Icsi’s core mission!
| Her philosophy |
Every case is different; you have to know how to adapt to the needs of each organization.
Megan Baroë
Digital training
Good humored and smiling, Megan Baroë organizes Icsi’s intra- and inter-company training courses. Quotes, contracts, teaching supports, logistics... she keeps a close eye on everything, and sees her work as making a contribution to the improvement of safety in companies. For her, training is something that serves people: being an advocate for improved safety skills and knowledge gives meaning to her work. Based at Icsi’s training center in Lyon, she is dedicated to giving trainees and trainers the best-possible service. And if you happen to be passing by, make sure to bring her a little cake!
| Her philosophy |
Creativity knows no bounds when it is based on collective intelligence and healthy competition!
Stéphanie Moreau
Educational engineer, specialized in digital training
Stéphanie Moreau puts her energy and creativity into training engineering, and creating teaching resources. How do you know when training has been successful? When knowledge is transformed into skills! How does she do this? By making learning relevant and fun, and supporting its implementation. Where does she hang out? At the Safety Academy, where she’s helping to build a library of training resources, which can be put together (like bricks) to meet the needs of different groups and individual learning objectives. Because there is nothing more useful for a professional than high-quality training.
The Communication Department, to spread the safety culture to as many people as possible
| Her philosophy |
Safety is not just for the elite. The challenge is to deliver a message that everyone can relate to.
Clotilde Gagey
Communication manager
Clotilde Gagey is communication manager for both Icsi and Foncsi. Her own person, human relations are very important to her, and she appreciates the fact that Icsi is a nonprofit association that works for the benefit of society. For her, communication finds its true value when there are clear benefits for all of the actors involved in safety. Clotilde can usually be found in her office, managing the friendly, close-knit team who work to ensure the successful completion of all of the projects that Icsi runs with its members. In her cross-hairs: being on the lookout for new ways to communicate, encourage debate, and popularize (in the positive sense of the term, of course) the key safety messages.
| His philosophy |
Be far too curious, and always keep your eyes open.
Paul Florisse
Communication Officer
You could say that Paul Florisse is a self-taught, jack-of-all-trades extraordinaire – and a communications manager. He’s happiest when he’s being creative... he likes to take a problem and invent a tailor-made, ‘haute couture’ solution, even if it means going off the beaten track and exploring uncharted territory. But he always has one goal in mind: to create tailored content and communications (videos, podcasts, articles and plenty of other concoctions) that target a specific audience. How does he go about it? He tries to understand people. He loves to share ideas and learn from others, which is lucky for him as this is a hallmark of Icsi’s mission! He’s ready to dedicate himself to a job that has meaning.
| Her philosophy |
If you see all gray, move the elephant! (Indian proverb)
| Her philosophy |
Devise relevant and useful messages, explore new ways to communicate to keep the audience interested.
Marine Antoine
Communication Officer
The communications ship has a new crew member. Marine Antoine has sailed in on a wave of positivity and creativity. Where is she headed? Event communications! Online, of course, but above all, building personal relationships via in-person events. She has only one goal: to satisfy the public. Calm and attentive, she likes to be involved in projects from A to Z, she seeks out innovative and new approaches, and “surfs the wave” of leading-edge communication practices. She’s the newest membr of a human-sized team, dedicated to building safety culture!
Estelle Fournel
Communication Officer
Estelle Fournel, a shrewd mix of creativity, commitment and efficiency, is a key member of the communication team. While she spends her weekends dancing the tango, during the week she waltzes with computers, quicksteps with keywords, and rumbas articles for the Mag’ and the association’s longer-term campaigns... And she can’t wait for the opportunity to create a mobile application! For Estelle, sharing and disseminating knowledge to all of Icsi’s members, whether it be unions, local authorities, associations, or large and small companies not only makes a priceless contribution, but is also an invaluable source of meaningful work.
Special advisors
| His philosophy |
Developing a safety culture is, above all, an adventure.
Alain Quiot
Special Advisor to the Director General
Alain joined Icsi in 2023, on secondment from EDF. He brings with him a wealth of operational knowledge about the nuclear industry, in particular, challenges related to safety and radiation protection. Alain is passionate about his work, in fact, he has a degree in curiosity! The thing he likes best about safety is that it concerns multiple dimensions of the company’s operations – not just technical and organizational, but also human. Above all, he likes to keep up with new technologies, and doesn’t hesitate to use innovative tools to get safety messages across, and raise awareness. His mission? Leading the community, and, above all, advising Icsi’s members on how to effectively deploy their safety culture project, and put theory into practice!
Scientific management, guaranteeing deliverables and scientific and academic methods
| His philosophy |
What you have to be prepared for is to be unprepared.
Jean Pariès
Scientific Director
Jean Pariès has been Scientific Director of the Icsi and Foncsi since January 2020. A civil aviation engineer, he spent 15 years at the DGAC, where he discovered the importance of human factors and the wealth of experience of international expert groups. He then took off to the Accident Investigation Office, where he met Jim Reason, Ron Westrum, René Amalberti, David Woods, Erik Hollnagel, Sydney Dekker, etc. Co-founder and director of Dédale for 20 years, Associate Research Director at the CNRS for 4 years, his work is focused on safety in a complex world – from nuclear to medical – and he has presided over the Resilience Engineering Association for 6 years. Now a part of the team at Icsi and Foncsi, he continues to passionately question the resilience of organizations that have to operate in an unpredictable world. His playground is expanding to include communities, associations and trade unions.
The Operations Department, responsible for all training and support activities for Icsi members as they develop their safety culture
| Her philosophy |
No one person holds the keys to safety.
Dounia Tazi
Director of Operations
Dounia Tazi is Icsi’s Director of Operations. Bringing together expertise and agility, she supports many of Icsi’s diverse members in developing programs to improve their safety culture, often internationally. And nothing makes her happier than to “move the lines”, waking people up to new ideas that will bring about lasting change in risk management. For Dounia, Icsi offers a vast field of opportunity: one day she is in a management committee meeting, the next day she can be working with passionate researchers, and the day after that she’ll be in the field with operators. All of these diverse interactions are valuable, because safety cannot be decreed, it must be co-constructed.
| His philosophy |
Together, we go further! We progress by learning from others, comparing ideas and points of view.
Denis Ortega
Icsi expert
Denis Ortega will join Icsi’s project team in 2023, after more than 30 years of experience as a safety officer. Prevention, for Denis, isn’t just a job, it is, above all, being of service to others. He has dedicated his professional life to avoiding accidents and encouraging people to make a true commitment to safety. It’s a never-ending challenge (but Denis likes to climb mountains!). Whether he is deploying safety policies in the field, leading training programs, running diagnostics, supporting safety actors, or reinvigorating the safety debate, Denis brings his first-hand practical experience to his work at Icsi. With his rich and varied experience, his aim is to encourage dialogue, clarity and transparency between actors, and foster trust.
| His philosophy |
Good leadership is essential at every level of the organization – both to improve human performance and operations.
Nicolas Toledo
Icsi expert
Nicolas Toledo is a former criminal investigation officer, and was a director of investigations into major accidents and criminal events. He has been working for Icsi since 2016, and has been putting his wealth of experience to good use with the Projects team since 2018. Nicolas is (sometimes more than) 100% committed. A tenacious team player, he understands the limits of human performance. And, talking about the human side, what he appreciates most about working with Icsi is the synergy. Icsi’s experts work together with in-house specialists to achieve the shared goal of improving risk management.
| His philosophy |
Safety opens the door to bringing human and organizational factors into the company.
Denis Besnard
Scientific Director of the Master’s degree in Managing at-risk organizations
Denis Besnard, a psychologist both at heart and by training, loves, above all, to pass on knowledge. And it is the challenge that he faces as the scientific co-director of Icsi’s Executive Master’s program ‘Managing at-risk organizations’, where he invests all of his time and effort. Always ready to do what he can to support his students, his goal is to help them to achieve their goals. Denis brings a personal touch: he doesn’t take himself too seriously and puts people first! A valued member of the team, Denis is, above all, a true ambassador for the need to consider human and organizational factors in safety.
| Her philosophy |
Focus on the positive at all times!
Cécile Schneider
Manager of the support team
Always cheerful and positive, Cécile Schneider runs the support team. The linchpin of the operations team, she is responsible for the administrative monitoring of the projects that the association runs with its members. Quotes, schedules, budgets, internal administration and contracts with service providers are her daily fare. Her mission is to facilitate the work of Icsi’s experts, even if she has to reorganize everything at a moment’s notice. Cécile is a woman of action – each year she sets her family a challenge – and conviction! What she particularly likes about Icsi is strong and clear vocation – and its slightly militant spirit.
| Her philosophy |
Life is better when you stay curious and open to new experiences.
Stéphanie Pauwels
Training program assistant
Stéphanie Pauwels describes herself as curious—both in practice, and in spirit! At Icsi, her work focuses on planning and organizing inter and intra-company training courses. Whether arranging a new program, preparing a quote, or working out logistics... she likes to finish what she starts, challenge herself, and, in particular, find out what lies behind the scenes in the world of education! At the same time, she shares Icsi’s values of being of service, sharing, and connecting with people. She also likes to connect with nature, a place to chill out and recharge her batteries.
| His philosophy |
Finding better ways to manage human and organizational factors isn’t really that complicated.
Alain Noizet
Icsi expert
Alain Noizet, a psychologist and ergonomist, joined Icsi in 2022 as a specialist in human and organizational factors. What is his role? To carry out in-depth analyses of how companies function, in order to better-help them identify what they can do to improve their safety systems – and performance. 200% committed to his work, he likes to shake things up! For him, a successful project leads to concrete actions, from the transformation of a company’s organization, to its management and operational practices. Underlying everything he does, finding better ways to manage human and organizational factors lies at the heart of his approach.
| His philosophy |
Refocus safety approaches on the human element and expand upon what we think is possible.
Gunther Piqué
Icsi expert
Gunther Piqué, an ergonomist and specialist in organizational and human factors, joined Icsi in 2023. Following his technical training in industrial maintenance, vacuum physics, and cryogenics, he developed a passion for ergonomics and psychology. The turning point? A human-centered approach! Safety culture diagnostics, training, consulting, change management... Gunther is a jack-of-all-trades – and a curious one at that. He undertakes a wide range of assignments in diverse industrial environments. In the field, he likes to put his keen sense of observation to good use in order to gain a detailed understanding of what is going on, draw out lessons, find solutions and co-construct change. His guiding principle: we must move away from techno-centric approaches, put people at the heart of the business, and, above all, move from awareness to practice.
| Her philosophy |
Being unsure is an opportunity to learn. Real work is never what you think!
Myriam Promé
Icsi expert
Myriam Promé has a background in ergonomics. She joined Icsi’s Projects team in 2009, after 20 years as a human and organizational factors consultant at Areva. A specialist in root cause analysis, with high standards and integrity, she appreciates being able to – or even having to – challenge the safety vision of Icsi’s members. Above all, she appreciates being considered as an integral part of the team – a situation that is made possible by Icsi’s philosophy of partnership. A keen sport’s fan, Myriam is as comfortable talking to people in the field and seeking workplace solutions, as she is in the stands of Toulouse’s rugby club!
| His philosophy |
You often have to be able to take a step back to understand what is happening in the field.
Benjamin Razaiarisoa
Icsi expert
Benjamin Razaiarisoa, an ergonomist and expert in human and organizational factors, joined the project team in 2021. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge about the nuclear sector, not to mention his experience in many other domains. He’s happiest when he can immerse himself in developing a detailed understanding of what humans do, by spending time in the field, comparing practice with theory, and developing new methods. What motivates him? Juggling different levels of analysis, and supporting operational projects, such as strategic analyses at the highest managerial levels. In all cases, with a keen eye on the never-ending battle of improving the integration of human and organizational factors into safety policies!
| Her philosophy |
Never forget that learning can be fun!
Leslie Scattolin
Head of inter-company training
Leslie Scattolin joined Icsi in 2022 as head of the Executive Master’s program “Managing at-risk organizations”, and inter-company training. The quality of the learning experience and human relations are issues that are close to her heart, and she is keen to create ‘hand-crafted’ courses, to optimize current programs, and support everyone who commits to improving their skills – you could say that she provides a helping hand to those in need! For Leslie, a high-quality training program must be founded on listening to people and anticipating their needs. She likes to think outside the box, cherry-pick good ideas from other domains, and reinvent the wheel. Her do-it-yourself attitude goes hand-in-hand with her creativity. Her resourcefulness is well-suited to the needs of an unconventional organization, where the human dimension takes priority.
| Her philosophy |
Sharing is a source of constant learning.
Florence Marty
Training assistant
Calm and collected, Florence Marty joined Icsi in 2023 as a training assistant. Whether she’s preparing quotes, taking care of administration and logistics, or monitoring the Institute’s inter- and intra-company programs, nothing fazes her. It’s the human dimension of training that brings meaning to her work. She works closely with each participant to ensure that they receive a personal, tailor-made, and (above all) high-quality service. Florence loves teamwork, and is keen to learn new techniques and methods in the domain; in short, she’s at the top of her game. She’s also an animal lover – especially Scottish animals! She brings her good humor and positivity to Icsi’s small, friendly and (we like to think) family-oriented team.
| Her philosophy |
An excellent service culture will ensure that internal and external customers are satisfied.
Magaly Tessier
Training assistant
Magaly Tessier is responsible for the organization and follow-up of intra-company training courses, digital training courses and Icsi’s Executive Master’s program in Managing at-risk organizations. What motivates her? Customer relations! She’s happiest when she is working closely with companies to identify their training needs, and providing logistical and project management support. An integral member of the dynamic, committed team that facilitates the running of Icsi’s operations and projects, Magaly appreciates being able to contribute to Icsi’s mission of spreading the word about safety culture.
The General Secretariat, covering administrative, financial and IT functions 
| Her philosophy |
Icsi’s identity comes from the diversity of its members ; we need to nurture it.
Pauline Fabre
General Secretary
Pauline Fabre has been part of Icsi and Foncsi for 15 years, and has been General Secretary of both structures since February 2020. Meticulous and versatile, this queen of the excel spreadsheet enjoys the strategic, cross-cutting dimension of her work. Her guiding principle: keep an eye on what lies ahead in order to anticipate difficulties, and put in place structures that benefit the entire Icsi community. Her commitment to Isci and Foncsi has deep roots: their goals are her goals.
| Her philosophy |
Be ready and willing to help anyone who asks.
Célia Doret
Administrative Assistant
Celia Doret, who is always willing to help, joined the general secretariat in 2020. A true magician, she can organize a trip at the drop of a hat, and is in her element when sorting out expense accounts. A sense of service and adaptability are particularly close to her heart. Her trademark? A strong preference for diversity and new challenges – whether it’s lending a hand to sort out the accounts, running audits, or organizing an event. Her versatility is greatly appreciated, and she is an essential link in the smooth running of the association.
| Her philosophy |
Remain true to yourself regardless of what society says.
Anne-Marie Inacio
Anne-Marie Inacio runs the association’s accounts with an iron first (in a velvet glove). Always smiling, she juggles figures, invoices and accounts, and enjoys discovering new tools. What she likes most of all about Icsi is the team spirit; ideas germinate from unexpected seeds, and grow into an abundant harvest of projects. Year after year, she produces balance sheet for these projects with unparalleled detail and rigor. Since being adopted by the city of Toulouse, she now knows all the streets in the ‘pink city’ like the back of her hand, and she’s equally comfortable navigating the subtleties of accounting!
| Her philosophy |
The world is changing; you need to know how to use the latest IT tools, and simplify the transmission of information.
Leslie Caid
Assistant to the Secretary General
Although usually found behind the scenes, Leslie Caïd is a key contributor to the smooth running of the association and its projects. Whether it concerns administration or finance, she monitors the regulatory and social framework that impacts all of Icsi’s activities, and contributes to budgetary supervision. She is also responsible for the internal training of Icsi personnel, which she sees as a key driver for improved performance. What does she like doing best? Summarizing complex data and making it understandable for non-experts. With previous experience of working in a nonprofit association, she shares Icsi’s values of working for the benefit of society. In particular, she appreciates the diversity of its work, and the ongoing desire to remain a pioneer in safety culture. The digital transition and optimization are her most recent challenges, but nothing can faze her.
| Her philosophy |
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Stéphanie Méphara
Administrative Assistant
Stéphanie Méphara, Icsi’s administrative assistant, thrives on adversity and particularly likes a challenge. Tough and tenacious, she is responsible for collecting subscriptions from Icsi’s members, and ensuring that its governance bodies run smoothly. But not just that! She contributes to the association’s human resource management. You’ll find her in the gym in the evening, and she brings the same rigor and care to her work for Icsi. What drives her? Human relations. And, of course, feeling that she is making a useful contribution to a human-sized organization where the constant exchange of ideas and information is a key strength.
| His philosophy |
IT is constantly changing; we have to keep up with new developments.
Jean-Marc Benchimol
IT Manager
Jean-Marc Benchimol, Icsi’s new IT manager, is overseeing the association’s transition to the digital age. The challenge he likes best? Helping his colleagues to change their practices and smooth the transition to digitized internal processes. It’s a long-distance race that is particularly suited to this endurance runner. A pragmatist, he likes to get an overview of a problem, analyze it, then find concrete solutions. He sees his work in IT as, above all, a way to improve working conditions, and making it useful to others. It’s a value that he shares with Icsi: improving safety culture.
Our branch in Latin America
In Argentina, we have 4 members of staff who are working to develop a safety culture in Latin America. Located in Buenos Aires, the office supports local Icsi members in their efforts to develop a safety culture. It offers professional training (including certification programs) in both face-to-face and online formats, and runs community activities such as a discussion group and free webinars.
Both teams work together to develop the Institute’s theoretical and practical programs. These include safety culture, risk management during the COVID epidemic, or the industry of the future.
| Governance |
Governance bodies
Icsi’s strategy is guided by its executive committee, and 3 governance bodies representing the interests of its members:
- The General Meeting: sets annual objectives, determines budgets and decides on major projects.
- The Board of Directors: regularly monitors the Institute’s operations.
- The Policy and Evaluation Council: guides new initiatives, and validates the quality of deliverables.
The secretariat
- André-Claude Lacoste, President
- Jöel Bertrand (CNRS), Treasurer
- Isabelle Delobel (SNCF), Secretary-General
- Cyril de Coatpont (TotalEnergies), Vice President
André-Claude Lacoste, President
"A global change is underway in the world, with the COVID-19 crisis, but also with climate change. Our systems – and Icsi – must become more resilient in order to meet future challenges. This context requires Icsi to re-examine the needs of its members, and the notions of working together and ‘public service’ must, more than ever, serve as a compass to guide Icsi’s work with its members on topics of shared interest".
Excerpt from the 2019 Annual Report